Tips For Dealing With Insomnia Caused By the Stress of Divorce

Stress is part of everyday life, but divorce can really push it through the roof. If you haven’t been getting as much sleep as you should, you are in good company. Insomnia affects a surprisingly large portion of the population. A survey recently conducted by the American Journal of Managed Care showed that approximately 46% of the people who responded either had trouble falling asleep or were unable to sleep during the night. In many cases, their insomnia was bad enough that it interfered with their activities during the day. Stress is one of the biggest causes of insomnia, which is why it is worth taking a closer look at how stress-reduction techniques could help you get better sleep.

Getting enough sleep is an essential part of maintaining your health. Insomnia can negatively impact everything from your mental capacity to your emotional state. If your insomnia goes on for a long time, it can increase your stress levels, creating a vicious cycle where stress keeps you from sleeping and insomnia keeps you feeling stressed. Fortunately, there are some ways that you can start getting better sleep. Try using some of the techniques below to get a better handle on stress so that you can sleep well at night.

Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PRM)

When your body is tense, falling asleep is a lot more difficult. If you are dealing with a lot of stress, you may not even realize that you are carrying tension in your muscles.

Using PRM is an excellent way to let go of that tension, making it easier to sleep. In the past, when I have used this tactic myself, I wound up getting so bored that I eventually drifted off to sleep.

 Writing In A Journal

If you have a problem or issue that you are dealing with, you may find yourself lying awake obsessing over it. One of the best ways to combat this problem is by writing in a journal.

Journaling helps relieve stress in a couple of different ways. For one thing, it allows you to get the negative thoughts out of your mind and onto paper. This can provide emotional relief, making it easier to sleep. Journaling also gives you a chance to come up with solutions to the problems you are facing, which can help relieve stress.

Take Action If Necessary

Anxiety and insomnia go hand-in-hand. Usually, anxious feelings occur when you are facing a situation or problem that requires your attention. Instead of trying to sweep things under the rug, why not take action to solve the problem? Doing something that will move you closer to the solution can help ease your anxiety by shifting your emotional state. Instead of being afraid of the outcome, it puts you in a position of power, which can make you feel less anxious.

Sometimes, all it takes is a change in perspective. Try thinking about your problem from a different angle or looking for solutions that you may not have already thought of.

 Stop Pressuring Yourself To Sleep

Worrying about not being able to sleep can create undue pressure, making bedtime even more stressful. If this sounds familiar, there are a couple of steps that you can take to reduce the stress that you feel at bedtime.

If you are having trouble sleeping, don’t just lay there stressing out about it. Instead, get out of bed and do something relaxing like reading a book. Then, when you feel tired, you can try going to bed again.

Another good habit to get into is reserving your bedroom for sleep. Try not to do anything stressful in bed like working on projects or dealing with your finances. Instead, do those things in another part of your house. That way, your body will naturally start to associate your bedroom with sleep, which will make it easier to get the rest that you need. Make sure your bed is comfortable read these Tuft and Needle mattress reviews. One last tip is to avoid consuming caffeine too late in the day.

Get Help If You Need It

The American Journal of Managed Care found that a surprisingly high percentage of people who have insomnia don’t get professional help. Sadly, that means that they are missing out on some highly effective ways of dealing with insomnia ranging from medication to cognitive behavioral therapy.

If you try dealing with insomnia on your own and don’t get the results that you want, it is worth making an appointment with your doctor to discuss alternative treatment methods.



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