Happiness…..Don’t BE Happy -DO Happy!

So here’s the thing, every day part of my day is spent on social media largely for work , I hunt down quotes, articles, blogs, studies anything related to divorce and moving on.Almost daily I see these two quotes.

The First Quote.

“Happiness is pretty simple,
Someone to Love,
Something to Do,
Something to Look Forward To.”

The Second Quote.

“Happiness starts with you,
not your relationship,
not your friends,
or your job but you.”

So which is it? Happiness it cause and effect from things around you, or is internal and you can’t be effected by your life, I posed this question in a round about way today, and got a laundry list of answers to about what makes you happy answers were family, children, job well done, food, horse riding, giving back to others and nature all made the list. What didn’t make the list was that people were inherently happy by the selves from the inside out.I do believe happiness partial is a choice to make daily to be happy. I also truly believe that life is enhanced by your interaction friendships and relationships with other people. I gave a news interview the other day and was asked if I wanted to ever remarry, I replied yes. Not because I think a legal piece of paper means so much but because I think in life we should always remain hopeful, open to people and things that bring us added happiness. Anything that enhances our happiness surely is a good thing.I get frustrated with divorcees I speak to who are adamant that they won’t love, marry, date again.If you close your mind heart to everything and everyone that’s emotionally giving up, don’t ever give up, such a horrible way to be.

After my own divorce I went on few vacations alone and there is definitely something to be said for the self discovery alone time I spent.I enjoyed it but when I think about exploring places now I feel like there is a longing to do it with someone or a group of people to make these travel memories with.

Maybe happiness is both an internal force a conscience decision you take every day no matter what life or divorce throw at you, but also maybe happiness is a constant hope and interaction for your personal and career lives to also be aligned in a way that brings daily joy also.

I am certain that either way happiness takes work, takes going out of your way to interact with others, to find passion and hobbies- things you love. Then to actually make time for these. The period of during and after your divorce, you may wonder if you will ever be or find happiness again, I can assure you will, but if you are finding life a daily struggle or have sunk into a depression that you seem unable to deal with, please seek help. Tell your family, your friends, find a counselor, therapist, doctor, someone who can set you on the right path again. There is no shame in asking for help, we are all just humans trying to do the best we can and life can be overwhelming.

I will leave you with a little phrase “Do Happy” be proactive in seeking and doing things that get you back on track and in a happy place, if I can do it believe me anyone can!

Tiffany Beverlin

CEO DreamsRecycled.com




1 Comment

  1. jasonp0679

    The hardest vacation alone was my first one. I was so used to having my 4 kids and my wife with me. For years I was loved by my other half, and when that half was gone so was my love for half of myself. As time went on my love of myself gradually got more, just like that glass of water. Now since February I have been to AZ twice, GA, and CO.

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