How to Handle Other People’s Bad Moods

Watch out for when people aren’t in the best mood. Their mood will attempt to drag you down. And sometimes successfully so. What’s most interesting about these times is that their moods are just that – moods. It’s not even the person themselves. It’s not their true Selves.

But, as the saying goes – misery loves company. And unbeknownst to them, they will attempt to bring you down with them. More than anything else, this is a tactic to offload their stress, their low mood burden, on to you. Fortunately, if you are awake and aware you can notice this occurring before you dive bomb to the ground with them.

You have to be quick. You have to learn not to take things personally. This is a perfect opportunity to implement Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements: don’t take anything personally; don’t make assumptions; be impeccable with your word; and do your best. More than anything – don’t take anything personally and don’t make assumptions are the most applicable of the four.

In these moments, it’s your job (or your opportunity) to realize that the individual isn’t in their right mind. Of course, in order for you to recognize this you must first be in your own right mind. How do you get into your right mind?

Well, the right mind is merely a higher vibration, a higher state of being – love. You must be coming from a loving, centered and innocent place. A place of purity. This can easily be achieved by simply dropping anything that is not loving. That includes negative thoughts that would otherwise drag you down. Or, destructive habits in terms of communication or behavior.

Instead, lean towards a loving, innocent, surrendered approach. This is as simple as recognizing your natural state of well-being. Step from a place of fear into a place of love – an empowered state. No worries if this isn’t easy for you. Majority of people in the world are far more practiced at being in a fearful state than a loving state.

Just like anything else in life, it takes repetition and persistence to easily shift into a loving vibration. Here, too, one must practice consistently choosing a higher thought, word or deed in every moment. In time the choice becomes easy and effortless.

From this higher – loving – state it’s easy to notice when another is in a sour mood. And upon initial recognition you can set the intention to remain in a loving, pure state. When we consciously choose and intend to do this we not only pave the path for a more enjoyable experience, we save ourselves from unnecessary stress and fearful thinking and behavior. We also open space for the individual to raise up out of their “mood” and into a greater sense of well-being, which is our natural, inherited state.

The most important approach to these situations is to NOT change anything about how you would approach them. While this seems to contradict what I just said (come from a loving space) – coming from a loving space is different than changing how you approach them or talk to them.

Do not swing from one reaction to another. Where in the past, if you were not aware, you may respond to a bad mood with a reflective bad mood or negative response. With what I’m sharing now, it might be your initial tendency or gut reaction to respond, instead, with an overly positive or self-righteous attitude, as though you are “the loving individual” responding to a “bad-mood person.” No.

You simply respond as though their mood isn’t even there – no acknowledgment. In this approach, you detach yourself from their lower energy field and stand your ground in your calm, peaceful and loving field. Like I said, you most likely won’t be aware of their bad mood if you aren’t coming from a higher state to begin with anyway.

My point being this: responding with an “I’m better than you” attitude or getting a “big head” about it to prove anything or to acknowledge in any way that they are wrong is not what this is about. Their bad mood isn’t wrong. It’s simply where they are right now. And sometimes you are in a bad mood too. Compassion for the win!

Whenever you acknowledge or give life to another’s bad mood you are affirming its presence, thereby solidifying its existence. To ensure a quick passage, do not acknowledge it in any form – either negatively or seemingly positively. Simply keep on being a loving energy that moves forward and past what they are presenting to you. It’s like noticing a gray cloud in the sky and consciously choosing to look ahead towards the clear sky, which is bound to come.

This is a gift that you carry with you at all times. It’s your choice whether or not to bestow it upon another individual. Of course, anytime you give away this gift, you receive the gift as well. When we decide not to take their mood personally or to disallow ourselves from being swept away, we empower ourselves with love. Know that their mood is most likely a passing scenario. And if you were to drop to their level or play into the games you would be enabling the lower vibration – feeding into it.

The most productive and constructive approach to anyone in a sour mood is to remain in your loving space, to remain heart-centered. Allow their remarks to roll off your shoulders. Respond in a detached manner that let’s them know that you still love them despite the their current mood. If they are open and receptive to your loving state, they will quickly move from a bad mood to a good mood. And you will remain joyful as well. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Instagram/Twitter: @HeartDrivenLife

Paula Jones



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